AP: Rich donors making bishops confront Biden re: Eucharist

An Associated Press (AP) story published on the Chicago Sun-Times website today ends with paraphrases and quotes from a liberal professor who claims “conservative philanthropists” are behind United States bishops’ alleged willingness to confront fake president Joe Biden over his abortion support and “request” (my word) he stop receiving the Eucharist.

The AP accepts the claim without evidence.

The relevant part:

Steven Millies, a professor of public theology at Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, said the Catholic church received significant financial support in recent years from conservative philanthropists who are skeptical of Francis and favored Donald Trump over Biden in the 2020 election.

“What we’re seeing now is an effort to please donors who want a church which will wage a culture war,” Millies said.

And the AP just accepts it without challenging him for evidence.


I would love to see Millies’ proof. Who are these “conservative philanthropists?” Are they donating to specific dioceses or all of them? Are they donating to the USCCB? How much? Where’s he getting this from? Why haven’t we heard about this shadow group of American Catholic white knights previously?

We won’t get into Millies scandalous insinuation that the bishops are for sale.

If it were THAT easy to get bishops to act like bishops – to transmit and defend the deposit of Faith – by throwing money at them – we wouldn’t have the SSPX because the US bishops would be bending over backwards to accommodate traditionalist Catholics who attend the Extraordinary Form and put their money where their mouth is supporting the authentic Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and religious orders like the SSPX (who wouldn’t be ordaining young priests and building a new US seminary if they didn’t have the donations to fund them).

Millies didn’t fall far from the tree. Here’s his bio on the CTU’s website

Lastly, as usual the AP gets it wrong about the source and summit of the faith: It repeatedly mentions “communion” but not “Eucharist.” Joe Biden can receive the Eucharist. But he can’t receive communion.

On voluntary associations

Speaking to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention on February 26, 2020, United States Attorney General William Barr made some insightful observations about our country’s slide towards totalitarian democracy and how religion, decentralized government, and the free press can prevent that.

Among his remarks:

Liberal democracy recognizes … that man is happiest in his voluntary associations, not coerced ones, and must be left free to participate in civil society, by which I mean the range of collective endeavors outside the sphere of politics.

The state is not the same as the voluntary associations that make up civil society.  To the contrary, it is the apparatus of coercive power.

This brought to mind a quote we saw tweeted, two days prior to Barr’s remarks:

Americans aren’t joining much of anything these days.

A nation of isolated individuals pursuing (enslaved by?) their own selfish individual desires, where anything goes. A nation of individuals who decline to voluntarily associate with their fellow citizens, whether at their local church or Rotary club, and who don’t even know their next door neighbors.

This harkens us back to a homily we saw on YouTube a few years ago, “Maintaining Purity: by Virtue or by Force.” It made such an impact on us that we bookmarked it and have returned to it a few times.

Virtue or force. Those are the only two ways to control men. And if you produce a society that has millions and millions of men that are unable to control themselves, that society will either descend into anarchy, or tyranny will be imposed before anarchy breaks out completely. Why? Because there’s only those two ways of controlling men: From the inside with virtue, from the outside with force. Vicious men must be ruled with force and a society that becomes dominated by lust is a society of vicious men. A society that is dominated by lust is a society doomed to anarchy and tyranny.

Thus the ascent of totalitarian democracy we’re witnessing in the manifestations of Liberal (rebranded now as, “Progressive”) politics, “democratic socialism,” et al, which will let you have your cake and eat it too, promising man he can be a woman or vice versa, and ze have intercourse with whatever or whomever they please, indulging all their basest fleshly desires, meanwhile promising (the illusion of) order and equality, all expenses paid by the State.

Those opposed to this totalitarianism, especially authentic, faithful Catholics, will be branded enemies of the state, guilty of crimes against humanity. They will voluntarily associate only at great personal risk, but with the fervent faith that Our Lord has already triumphed over the temporary, temporal Hell that will surround them.

Chicago priest accuses governor of raping kids?

I was half-asleep watching the news Tuesday night or Wednesday night. But I was awake “enough” to take notice when Chicago Catholic priest Michael Pfleger appeared on the screen, SCREAMING at Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner,

“Stop raping the poor and our youth to balance your budget!”

Why is it that, when faithful bishops and clergy promote life or protecting the definition of marriage, they’re accused of crossing the line between Church and state,  and calls go out for the IRS to revoke their tax exemption?

Why is it that, when priests like Pfleger (I am not granting him the honorific “Father”) stand in a government plaza, accusing an elected leader of raping kids, or an archbishop announces immigration reform (which is politics, and controversial politics at that!), there is SILENCE about the separation of Church and state, SILENCE about the Church’s tax exemption?

I’ve had no luck finding video of Pfleger making the remarks. It was unsettling to Google the keywords “pfleger raping” and uncover an article ON PFLEGER’S PARISH WEBSITE. He cut-and-paste WLS-TV’s entire transcript and linked to their site where you can watch video. St. Sabina’s website includes the quote,

“But you’re not going to balance it by raping the poor.”

You can also find the “raping our youth” quote on the website of CopyLine.

Otherwise, there doesn’t seem to be anyone else taking notice. Maybe it’s because Plfeger’s full of so much hot air that no one pays attention anymore. Retired Cardinal George struggled to control him, even suspending Pfleger at one point. I don’t expect bishop Cupich to lift a finger.

St. John Vianney, pray for parish priests.

Washington Post suggests eugenics to end school poverty?

Below the fold on the front page of January 17th’s Washington Post is the headline, “Most public school students living in poverty.”

A mere three paragraphs into the story, we have this carefully chosen, carefully placed quote from an ivory tower academic:

“A lot of people at the top are doing much better, but the people at the bottom are not doing better at all. Those are the people who have the most children and send their children to public school.”

Get that, all you over-breeding women? Knock it off! You’re probably not white, and your tired, your poor, your huddled masses of children are threatening our nation’s future materialism! Flooding our schools with your filthy, lice-laced offspring. The nerve!

The rest of the article wrings its hands over how government needs to throw more money at the problem. But that third graf quote is code language. Code for what? Code for, “We must contracept and abort the poor out of existence to solve this.”

Amazon.com founder Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post and for all practical matters, owns this story’s reporter, Lyndsey Layton. They didn’t have to put a quote in the third graf, and they didn’t have to choose THAT quote, but they did, because it advances their diabolical agenda. Eugenicist and Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger isn’t spinning in her grave; she’s sitting up and applauding.

Nowhere does Layton’s story touch on moral, social, or even economic causes for the increase in poor children in public schools. We must acknowledge the collapse of fidelity to the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church are the ultimate cause of all this.

America is a radically secular pagan society where the individual and his selfish desires rule the roost. No one wants to talk about the breakdown of the family, the consequences of divorce and missing fathers; of parents who sacrificed their own educational opportunities to pursue selfish, fleeting earthly pleasures and who continue to prostate themselves before the altar of materialism.

Until America turns her heart and soul towards the Savior, and bows down in submission to the Bride of Christ, America’s children will remain poor and stupid, and its future, and the future of millions of souls, quite dark.

Catholic Illinois pols voted “yes” to redefining marriage because of Pope Francis?!

I may have to go to confession. I may have taken the Lord’s name in vain when I read this. I can’t remember.

Catholic Illinois lawmakers told the Chicago Tribune that they voted to redefine marriage to include sufferers of same-sex attraction because of Pope Francis.

They cite his summer 2013 “who am I to judge?” remarks about gays. Of course, we should be cognizant of the fact that his Holiness was speaking in a specific context, but when you speak off-the-cuff, shit like this happens, if you’ll pardon my French. (Aside: I pride myself on having coined the phrase “poop chute politics” for the whole pro-sodomy rights movement.)

Hat tip to PewSitter who linked to this story from Protect the Pope (who in turn linked to the Trib article).

<cracking my knuckles> So let’s have some fun with our brethren’s quotes:

“As a Catholic follower of Jesus and the pope, Pope Francis, I am clear that our Catholic religious doctrine has at its core love, compassion and justice for all people,” said Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia, a Democrat from Aurora who voted for the bill after spending much of the summer undecided.

Yes, it does! Love, compassion and justice for the homosexual, the child molester, the murderer, the Hitlers and Stalins of the world, even the Obamas of the world. That doesn’t mean we give them legal protection to commit sodomy, rape, murder, theft, etc.

House Speaker Michael Madigan also cited the pope’s comments in explaining his support for the measure.

“For those that just happen to be gay — living in a very harmonious, productive relationship but illegal — who am I to judge that they should be illegal?” the speaker said.

We can EASILY extend this logic beyond The Gays to polygamy, or adult-child sexual relationships too. If you believe in LGBT equality, then aren’t you COMPELLED to extend “marriage equality” to the bisexual woman who loves both a man and a woman and wants to marry both? Eventually, the law WILL extend legal protection to those relationships, it can’t not. Eventually someone’s going to sue in the name of “due process” or “equal rights” and how is a court going to say no?

The “Progressive” takes a Darwinian/Marxist view towards freedom/liberty/rights. What they’re blind to is that as these sins escalate in number, they’re more akin to a roller coaster car going uphill, unaware when they get to the top, things are going to go downhill very quickly.

So they can point to nine or 10 years of gay marriage in Massachusetts and say, “See, society’s just fine!” They swallow the “fags and dykes are just like you and I!” junk they’ve been spoon-fed by the culture over the past 15 to 20 years but especially the last decade.

As has been said elsewhere, the redefinition of marriage started 50-years ago with acceptance of no-fault divorce, abortion, contraception, and the “sexual revolution.” We’re already reaping the fruits of that. Look no further than the black community to see what happens when fathers don’t matter anymore, or don’t stick around. Is it any wonder that it was black voters who helped defeat marriage redefinition referendums so many times? Is it any wonder that it was black Democratic lawmakers in Springfield who held out about voting for redefining marriage? They know what’s in the cards when the basic cell of society gets cancer. The cards don’t lie, just like Miss Cleo told us.

The dam has sprung leaks here and there. Eventually, the whole edifice WILL give way, whether it collapses under its own weight or someone else (probably Mohammedans) dynamite it.

Daily dose of hope and change

Consternation across the nation!

  • President B. Hussein Obama’s administration has all but called sodomite-marriage-loving self-identifying-Catholic Illinois Senator Dick “Turban” Durbin a liar according to reports
  • Obama Democrats are turning on each other as the $300,000,000 Obamacare website disaster continues
  • Obama’s alienating international allies left and right, as the Saudi royal family realizes it can’t trust the president and Europe expresses its own trust issues with The Chosen One

Hope and Change, folks. Forward!


Obama: “Tevin could have been my son”

Obama: “Tevin could have been my son”

I have no evidence Obama actually say that.

There aren’t any marches with sodomy pride flags, or “ministers” crawling out the woodwork to whip up donations peoples’ emotions with demands for “Justice for Tevin.”

“A car drove by, yelled something about them being white. One of my buddies said something about disrespecting a combat veteran,” he said to our NBC affiliate in Seattle, Washington.

That’s when police say five African American men in their mid twenties pulled over and started an argument. One man allegedly pulled out a knife and stabbed Geike multiple times.

May Christ have mercy on the soul of Spc. Tevin Geike. Pray that the murderers repent and come forward.

The media’s burying this story because it doesn’t fit with their liberal agenda of labeling certain groups as “victims” and others as “aggressors.”